Our Commitment to You

We are fully committed to generating meaningful growth for your business.

We Get You

We’re committed to understanding you and your goals.

New Light Digital provides digital marketing services that are focused entirely on you. We spend time understanding your needs, the specifics of your industry and niche, and the challenges you are facing when it comes to marketing. We work with you to devise the best strategy to reaching your growth targets in a transparent way. We are dedicated to becoming your allies in a straightforward and honest partnership, ensuring that you invest exclusively in the campaigns that are right for you.

Independently, as one
The only way for the team to grow, is for each person to grow personally. We believe we must continue to work and hon in on our skills and self.
Whatever It Takes
We always know the objective and we’re focused on the end outcome, not the hours needed to get there, but always sure we will get there.
Solution Focused
Things happen. We’re focused on finding solutions to those problems and using an analytical approach to solving the situations that come up

Leadership Team

Daniel Todercan
Lead Strategist
Daniel comes with a breadth of experience in both creating strategies for small and medium sized businesses, as well as implementing marketing campaigns for brands at a larger scale. He is passionate about finding solutions that work, identifying ways to deliver excellent results at affordable cost. He will work with you to create a digital marketing strategy that actually delivers.

We’re Transparent and Accountable

We guarantee the best value for your marketing budget.

So often digital agencies get tangled in red tape, and use overly complicated technical jargon, often to explain their failure to bring you tangible results for your marketing investment. Our reports detail all tasks that have been completed during a particular month, in a manner that is clear and easy to understand.

We show the results of our campaigns and work with you to tailor them every step of the way. We also don’t believe in long-term contracts, so you can cancel any time with a 30-day notice.

A Certified Team

Real Credentials and Experience

We are up to speed with the latest best practices in the ever changing world of digital marketing and design.
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